
Madrid-Waddington Central School District

Madrid-Waddington is a small, rural school district located in Northern New York's St. Lawrence County. There are approximately 660 Students, grades UPK through 12.

American Rescue Plan for Madrid-Waddington CSD  2021-2022

 Dignity Act Coordinators:

Nicole Weakfall, Elementary Principal

315.322.5746 ext. 35201

Joe Binion, High School Principal

315.322.5746 ext. 35200

Dignity For All Students Act (DASA) Incident Report Form

Title IX Coordinators:

Julie Abrantes, ext. 35222

Eric Burke, ext. 35221

Foster Care Point of Contact:

Eric Burke, Superintendent

315.322.5746 ext. 35221 

COVID-19 Information

Safety and Learning during COVID-19

Reopening Plan 2020-2021

 Reopening Plan 2021-2022

Madrid-Waddington CSD follows the latest guidance from the New York State Department of Health regarding COVID-19. For more information, please review “What Parents/Caregivers Should Know about COVID Mitigation Strategies for the 2022-2023 School Year” (August 2022).  

Illness/positive COVID test

As with any infectious illness, students and staff who test positive for COVID-19, or who show symptoms, are asked to stay home from school and follow the Centers for Disease Control’s Isolation Guidance.  

  • Someone who tested positive and has no symptoms may return to school after day 5. 
  • Someone who is sick (has symptoms) may return to school after day 5 if they have been fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and symptoms are improving.

People who have been sick, or tested positive, should wear a mask through day 10. 


Testing is recommended for people with symptoms of COVID-19 as soon as possible after symptoms begin. 

At-home test kits 

MWCSD  provides at-home COVID-19 test kits for students as supplies last. If you need a home COVID test, please contact Mrs. Murphy, the school nurse.

Student Absences during COVID-19 Isolation

Regular school attendance is important to a student’s success in school.  Poor attendance results in poor academic achievement.  Students are required by New York State Education Law to attend school every day that school is in session, except on those occasions when the school has been notified that the student is ill or has a legal excuse.

A legally-excused absence is: sickness, death in the family, impassable roads, quarantine/isolation, court appointments, remedial health treatment, college interviews, approved cooperative work programs, military obligations, or other such reasons as may be approved by a District administrator. All other absences are considered unexcused.  Students are expected to attend all classes and not be late.  Missed assignments and tests must be made up.

All absences must be accounted for.  It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the Main Office within two (2) school days of the absence and to provide a written excuse upon the student’s return to school.

Attendance for students who are required to quarantine or isolate will be marked as ‘Absent - District Approved Quarantine’.  This is a new reporting option made available by our reporting software.  This type of absence is an excused absence and will not appear on an attendance letter.  Students must still make up any missed class assignments in order to receive credit.

Virtual learning

Virtual learning will only be available if extenuating circumstances arise and appropriate documentation is provided to the school that necessitates it.  In most situations, student work will be provided via Google Classroom; however, it may also be necessary for parents/guardians to contact the main office to schedule a time to pick up physical items such as textbooks, instruments, or other learning material.  Additionally, tutoring for students who are required to be absent for a prolonged period of time may be arranged.  In addition, students who are absent may be required to stay after school during the Intervention Room period, on Tuesday and Thursday, when they are able to return to school in order to make up seat time and/or get assistance on work. 

COVID-19 vaccination

COVID-19 vaccinations are not required to attend school. Children ages 6 months and older are all eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Children older than 5 are eligible for a booster. For more information, visit ny.gov/vaxtoschool


Any student or staff member may wear a mask while at school to prevent the spread of illness. Mask-wearing is recommended for at least 10 days following a positive COVID test, or COVID illness. 

Health and safety protocols 

Routine cleaning in our school buildings continues to be an important strategy for reducing the spread of illness. High-risk areas such as health offices, classrooms, lunchrooms, athletic rooms, bathrooms and high-traffic areas are cleaned daily. High-touch surfaces such as tables, desks, chairs, light switches and handrails are cleaned daily.  Lunch tables are cleaned between each lunch service.  

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